Before Tiger Woods made his return to pro golf, his father Earl Woods recorded a series of questions for a Nike commercial asking his son about the previous situation that occurred. The video is a simple zoom in to close up of Tiger as he looks into the camera as if we are his parent asking him why. He looks as though he is attentive and is showing some humility. Its pretty intriguing, but of course it doesn't surprise me. Tiger Woods may be the best golfer EVER and he's not gonna fall by the wayside for some affairs that happen outside of the game of golf. Now if dude beat the shit out of VJ Singh on the Masters tour, then ok, that deserves harsher repercussions, but for cheating on your wife, come on, EVERYBODY WHO IS OF SOME CELEBRITY STATUS DOES IT, AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SPORT. Is it right or wrong, that's not the point, if you personally have a problem with dude's behavior, DONT GIVE HIM YOUR ATTENTION, otherwise be ready for disappointment because nothing is gonna happen to him. He's back.
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