A conversation came up after not having internet access for a day, that what would we do if a natural disaster hit Los Angeles and the rest of the world that cut off power, cell phone communication, gas, and all road access. How would we get food because what we have in the fridge will not last more than a week? How would we get water, not only for drinking, but to wash up? How would you protect yourself from the people who have nothing and want what you have?
Its funny how we look at these Southern Rifle Association groups out in South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, etc as militias and think, these muthafuckas are preparing for something I don't know. Why do they continuously buy all these damn guns and ammo like they are getting ready for a war or something? Maybe they are preparing for the same disaster and are training to protect themselves, and to fend for themselves? This is something people (of all colors) would have to come to terms with, living off the land. That's a term that a lot of so called African Americans are 50-100 years removed from. How would we live off the land? In California, what would we hunt, pigeon, sea gull, rat, possum, dog, cat, squirrel, crow? In the city, these are the most readily food supply, there will be no cows, and chickens, and pig running around. When we do catch these animals, how will we know how to skin it, cut it, and divide it amongst the family? What part is the heart, what part shouldn't be eaten, what part do we eat? How would we set traps for them? And how would we continue to utilize this resource once they are becoming more and more obsolete? Are we mentally prepared to go back to that type of thinking?
Protection? According to the National Firearm Survey of 2004, 38% of American households reported owning at least one firearm, that translates into 57 million people. Well we know that 57 out of the US' 300 million only hits 19%. That means majority of the people are not armed. So, the people with guns are gonna be protected and the rest of us are assed out or at the will of the ones with the guns (police. army, national guard, gang bangers). A lot of us men have little sisters, daughters, mothers, and sisters, and how will we protect them, when that time comes? Bare hands at a gun and knife fight will only lead to your family saying, he tried his best. I'm not encouraging people to go out and get loaded on burners but just think. The police will not be around to protect you, they will most likely be with their families protecting them. The army and national guard will be on patrol, but we saw what happened to Haiti, and more than likely, they will be trying to take your weapons as opposed to letting you keep them "Martial Law". If you do feel that after reading this, a burner is necessary, then go to the gun range, and learn how to use one the right way, buy one legally. I'm not advocating violence, only survival and self reliance.
Its funny how you can put yourself in a situation and you notice now, how none of the petty things matter, the cars, the girls, the materialistic shit, none of that matters once your mind is focused on a "greater" cause. And that mind state change occurred just in the duration of reading the words on the screen. Just imagine if we began to think like this on a constant basis, getting prepared, bettering our relationships with our community to have a plan just in case something like this did happen. Who knows where we would be. But I know for sure, with people owning and protecting all of the world's natural resources, no matter how diabolical it may be, they still will shoot you if you run up onto their spring of water, or their farm of cattle, their chicken farms, their pig sty, or their land of and veggies and fruits. And when it all falls down, we will be dependent on someone else to provide for us. How will you call yourself a man knowing you are relying on the next man, or the next system to feed you? How will the women look to us? Will we be the protector, head of household, provider, that the scriptures talk about? If they need security and you can't provide that, do you believe they will respect and listen to you? Or will they do what's best for themselves and go where the security is for sure? What will the youth think of us, and what we have allowed to happen? While we have been in civil war amongst ourselves, killing ourselves, indulging in the irrelevant, poisoning the mind and body, the world has passed us by, and we are left out. We can't let complacency, and ignorance be the reason for our demise. Nothing lasts forever, so when change comes, will you be ready?
Wow! Brudahren... You opened my mind up to some rela for realness. I mean we all joke around about having to raise our own food and provide for ourselves but I can speak for myself in saying I don't know how to skin a pigeon and I need to know how I will protect me! Thanks for opening my heart up. Love U!
ReplyDeleteTake me to the range son...I'm off strappin up Baby...lol...fo real though!!!!