I've been pondering on this topic for a while now, and have been wondering how much truth was based in it. Being a film major and everything, I witnessed first hand the stages of spiritual awakening cinema has brought to my life. I sort of look at life through the lens of a 35mm camera now. Every sound, ray of light hitting a persons face, is utterly cinematic. With that in mind, I'm sure thousands of other very talented film makers share the same quirky vision of the realities they interpret every day. These experiences coined the term Zeitgeist, not the documentary on 9-11, but the term credited to Johann Gottfried Herder and other German Romanticists of the 1700's who described Zeitgeist as the "spirit of the age". To easily break it down, today's Zeitgeist would be how the children are reverting back to the era of the 80's when bright neon colors were fresh and current, 808's and simple beats were the best thing since the Nike Blazer. Or how about, how we are trying to revert back to a more healthy, earth conscious life style, more natural, and native to the original way of doing things? All of these "trends" would be classified as Zeitgeist, and there is definitely a Zeitgeist in the realm of cinema.
The cinema Zeitgeist is a direct product of the spirit of what's happening or what is suggested to come. And a lot of the time, Hollywood can capitalize off of knowing what's coming and what's happening, because they can then create product that exists in a foreign backdrop to create an illusion of a new experience, and inside that experience, they imbue a familiar or reoccurring culture trend, or mythology that is becoming more popular based on astrological calendars, social studies and surveys, or historical facts that point to the revolution of that particular movement.

A big example of Cinematic Zeitgeist has been the reoccuring image of Africa, African American leadership, Art, Civilization, and history. Films like, The Mummy Franchises depict thieves or tomb raiders running through ancient Egyptian artifacts when they awaken a mummy and blah blah blh the action movie starts. You saw how the "Egyptians" looked, so need I say more?

Another big film was Transformers 2 Revenge of The Fallen. This movie was not only concluded in Africa, but hinted toward the use of the mythology of Planet Nibiru (google search it) and the Anunaki (google search it) supposedly passed down by ancient Sumerians to a person by the name of Zacharia Sitchin. There is also a hint into the whole reptilian shape shifter theory who was supposedly builders of the pyramids of Giza. These shape shifters are symbolically represented by the machines called "Transformers". Cinemas ability to take a concept or mythology and set it in the future, thus making it a reality once again in the minds of people, is a unique way to revitalize the Zeitgeist in society. We may not see it and understand the science of symbol magic and symbol use, but they do and they are using it. Read Meditation Symbols In Eastern & Western Mysticism-Mysteries of the Mandala, The Philosophical Research Society,Inc.,1988 by Manly P. Hall, he breaks down in further detail the use of symbols.

Another recent film that uses symbols pointing to Africa and African Culture is, The 4th Kind, the film about alien abduction. The film is rather vague in its entirety, but towards the end we come across a "African American" historian who deciphers the language of the aliens as a very old form of Ancient Sumerian. The Alien then announces himself as God, and the people are his for the taking.

In the most recent film 2012, we see a world devastated by a complete polar shift and galactic alignment which causes total destruction. There is not only a "Black" president, but the movie ends with the only continent left to "mother" a civilization of rich Europeans, is "Mother Africa". How ironic is that, the place that birthed civilization, will be once again, the place that rebirths civilization? Very interesting.
There are more films that point to a trending theme of Africa and its descendants, but these will suffice hopefully. The Zeitgeist of cinema is very real, and a very interesting phenomena that I truly feel exists. Some may call it the "collective unconscious". Regardless, the spirit of the times is foreshadowing a group of people so devastated by civil war and by lack of self identity, rising to the occasion, becoming leaders, masters of science, art, music, lovers of life and their families, and most of all, lovers of themselves. The spirit of the times is showing the greatness of this people who are defining themselves based off of illusions from those same thieves who stole their identity and hold it behind gates behind gates, guarded by heavily armed security. Why don't they want you to know who you are? Who are you? I read The Making of a Slave by Willie Lynch and in Virgina 1712, he said that for at least 300 years you will have your slave, if you keep them separate and divided. Well if you do the math, 1712+300=2012, maybe that's why they wanna keep us asleep. The truth is gonna come to the light, and the spirit of the times will not keep the truth hidden no matter how many twists and turns they try to hide it in, nor how much they try to include themselves inside the ancient history, it will never be them, it will forever be you.
Get your study on, get your build on with your dude, or your chick, we need each other. If you know your history, you know yourself, and what's to come, because you can know, create destiny.
ReplyDeleteIn general people need to build and be on a path in search of a better purpose. WE NEED EACH OTHER! Awesome statement. It takes two halves to make a whole.
Thats deep, it makes u wonder about alot of shit....hiddedn msgs!!!
ReplyDelete*cough* Illuminati *cough* -_- lol