This is some wild shit son, on a space station, its already not much to do, so could you need someone to do shit for you, to you simplify your life even more? Well on April 5th, NASA and General Motors will launch a new helping hand to the ISS, by the name of Robonaut 2, a Robo-Maid, designed with a human torso, that can be controlled via virtual reality. It's a more futuristic version of R2-D2 from Star Wars. Ok, so astronauts might as well get the 2K10 crackin' on the 73 incher you feel me? That's complete misappropriation of funds man. Why would anyone in space needs a maid, specifically to suck up cheetoh dust? How bot, don't eat cheetohs?
It's funny how GM is involved when they can barely sell cars, but they are intertwined with NASA. Maybe there was a bigger reason as to why we bailed them out. Hmmmmmmm... I need one of them Robonauts for my crib, so when wifey don't feel like makin' ya man a sandwich, I could have Robo-dude, slap together some lettuce and bread and shit. I wonder how much that system costs? There are no official reports yet, but I'll keep you posted. 360˚
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